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past continuous interrupted production activities

Past Continuous If the sentence contains the word When, then after the When you can use both the Past Continuous and the Past Simple. The past continuous is a grammar structure usually taught at the pre-intermediate level. Past Progressive: Interrupted Action Lesson Plan - BrainPOP … Help.... Past Continuous Interrupted Production activities It it used to talk about an ongoing and uncompleted … Past Continuous Past continuous: ongoing actions that get interrupted Past Continuous in English Grammar 1. ESL Past Continuous Tense: Activities & Exercises | Past Continuous: Rules And Examples Click here to review how to make the past continuous. Write various examples on the board of sentences combining the past simple and past continuous to illustrate the idea of an interrupted past. It also expresses that two on-going situations were happening at the same time in the past. The past continuous is made from the past tense of the verb be and the –ing form of a verb: for something which happened before and after another action: The children were doing their homework when I got home. Past simple. 1/2 students is/are Johnny. production activity Though it is a relatively simple structure to form, students need practise using it in order to … Remember, if you have the word while in your sentence, you must use the Past Continuous after that word. 6. – Was he playing football at that moment? For example, "I was walking through the … Ask students to comment on what function the past continuous plays in the example sentences. Interrogation: Past Continuous Role Play - Busy Teacher Often you can use Past Continuous tense to talk about memories, or for looking back on what was happening at a … I was watching a movie when the lights wend out. Have students divide into small groups of 3-4. past continuous interrupted production activities

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past continuous interrupted production activities