… Mooer Yellow Comp, E-Gitarreneffektgerät, optischer Kompressor, Regler für: Volume, EQ und Comp, Klinkenein- und Ausgang, Status LED, True Bypass, benötigt 9V DC Netzteil (nicht im … Continue with Facebook Continue with … Reviews suchen. Startseite. Neue Inserate. SIM1 Sound Imprinting - XT-1 Guitar Profiler. Diminutive compressor delivers quiet, transparent performance. But I recently picked up a couple ENO pedals at $29.00 each and they sound every bit as good as the Mooers. 3.8 out of 5 stars 14. Okko CocaComp Test - Bonedo Mooer Yellow Comp € 68Buy yours here (please use my link, I get free stuff! Yellow Comp Mooer Audio micro effect pedals pack an incredibly BIG sound into a very small package. My quick thoughts on Mooer Yellow Comp vs. Keeley Mini Mooer Yellow Comp (Diamond clone?) vs Xotic SP … Musiker … 00. FREE Shipping by Amazon . XT-1: The Guit..... $599.99 $699.99. Reviews. After a month with the Keeley Mini Compressor in different … Mooer - Yellow Comp - IN DEPTH Demo - YouTube Nux Time Force. Become a member. With the Yellow Comp there's no tone sucking or loss of signal, it simply adds a lot of smooth characteristics to your overall sound and tone. Sold by MOOER and ships from Amazon Fulfillment. Mooer Yellow Comp - Compressor Pedal für E-Gitarre - Amazon.de
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